Will your child help to pay for their education by working or taking out loans?
Financing College
Where will your child live during college?
Financing College
What will your retirement lifestyle be?
Saving for Retirement
How much of your current monthly income will you need in retirement?
Saving for Retirement
What percentage of your retirement need will Social Security provide?
Social Security
How much do you have saved for retirement?
Saving for Retirement
Will you retire, or have you retired with a pension?
Saving for Retirement
Where are the majority of your retirement savings?
Saving for Retirement
Have your retirement investments increased or decreased in value over the last 6 months?
Saving for Retirement
At what age do you plan on retiring?
Saving for Retirement
Do you believe you will collect Social Security when it is time for you to retire?
Social Security
Did you save enough for your retirement?
Living in Retirement
Have recent economic conditions changed your expectations for retirement?
Living in Retirement
What's at the top of your retirement 'to-do' list?
Living in Retirement
Will you or have you downsized your home for retirement?
Living in Retirement
